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Kyle keene headshot

Kyle Keene

Founder and Principal

Kyle Keene is the Founder and Principle of Keene Development Group. Mr. Keene oversees every aspect of Keene Development Group’s operations from site selection, acquisition, development, and investment interests. After almost a decade of experience working in the construction and development industry in New York City within the luxury condominium and multi-family rental focuses, Mr. Keene relocated to Greenville, South Carolina and founded Keene Development Group. Through Mr. Keene’s experience and leadership, Keene Development Group is able to execute where others are unable to recognize true urban development opportunities. Mr. Keene is committed to deliver the highest quality developments through thoughtful design and understanding the importance of creating value through location, materials, and execution.

Mr. Keene is a Greenville, South Carolina native. Kyle received his Bachelor of Science degree in Business Administration and Master’s degree in Business Administration from The Citadel, The Military College of South Carolina.

kameron mcCloskey headshot

Kameron McCloskey

Director of Acquisitions & Development

Kameron McCloskey is the Director of Acquisitions and Development at Keene Development Group. Mr. McCloskey is responsible for sourcing, underwriting, and overseeing all incoming and ongoing development and investment opportunities and projects. Mr. McCloskey began his career in real estate within the PropTech side prior to transitioning into the development and investment focus. After experiencing the real estate development industry in Tampa, Florida Mr. McCloskey joined Keene Development Group. With a background within the PropTech industry and multi-family focused development exposure Mr. McCloskey was immediately able to transition into Keene Development Group’s luxury development and investment focus in a leadership position.

Mr. McCloskey is an Elon, North Carolina native and a Greenville, South Carolina resident. Kameron received his Bachelor of Arts degree in Economics from The University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill and received his Master’s in Real Estate Development from Clemson University. Other professional recognitions include; Project Management Professional (PMP), REFM Levels One and Two Certifications, and Clemson MRED Vice President of Alumni and Professional Relations.